How to get that achy tooth looked at or schedule your regular dental cleaning while reducing risk during the pandemic. Schedule an Appointment 5 Top-Notch Risk-Reduction Steps Our Commitment to Your Safety Partners In Dental Care is committed to going above and...
Our New Patient Safety Protocols
Like in other medical professions, ensuring that our staff wear proper PPE is important for everyone’s safety. When coming into our office, you’ll see all of our staff from the receptionist to your hygienist wearing a proper protective face-covering. Some staff members will also be wearing shields to protect their entire face as they work.
Reopening Plan
Prevention starts before you come in for your appointment. Two days prior to your appointment, we will call to ask you a few screening questions. When you arrive for your appointment, we will ask the same questions again, and will take your temperature as an additional safety precaution.
Arrival Directions for Patients Prescreening Treatment Questionnaire
Please remain in your car until we call you back. A clinical team member will call your mobile phone when it is time to enter the building. We will meet you in the foyer, take your temperature, provide hand sanitizer, and review the answers to your Prescreening Questionnaire and Health History Update. Afterwards, you will proceed directly to the treatment room.
COVID-19 Update 4/2/20
Due to the federal government’s extended COVID-19 recommendations, Partners in Dental Care will be closed through April 30. All patients who had appointments scheduled through the end of day on Thursday April 30 have been cancelled. If we are forced to cancel...
COVID-19 Update: Office Closure Information
March 17, 2020 In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, both the American and Michigan Dental Associations have recommended that Michigan dental offices be closed except for emergency care a minimum of 2 weeks. Following those recommendations, Partners in Dental Care...
Schedule an Appointment
Schedule an appointment with us by calling (616) 949-0230.